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Có vẻ không bình thường, nhưng ông Phạm Trọng Thụy, một nông dân ở thôn 2, xã Đông Sơn, thành phố Tam Điệp (tỉnh Ninh Bình), đã làm ngạc nhiên nhiều người và khách hàng từ vùng Bắc bằng cách "thuần hóa" thành công cây hoa Tết nổi...
newmarvel.rolka.me 2024-03-23 04:39
https://i123.fastpic.org/big/2024/0322/55/75c7b391559997568fd432b1fbc3d155.jpg epub | 3.23 MB | English | Isbn:N/A | Author: David Johnston | Year: 2023 : The 28th Governor General's most personal and timely book to date: a passionate and practical guide for turning empathy into action. As the world stumbles through the most severe pandemic of the last century, threatened by teetering economies, torn by political division, separated by unequal access to resources, and wrestling with...
warez.mybb.rocks 2024-03-22 19:29
Мой друг попал в больницу из-за COVID-19, активно начала следить за новостями о заболевших в Самаре. Важно быть в курсе событий и принимать необходимые меры. Надеюсь, ситуация скоро улучшится и мы сможем вернуться к обычной жизни.
pirr.rolevaya.ru 2024-03-22 19:27
https://i123.fastpic.org/big/2024/0322/55/75c7b391559997568fd432b1fbc3d155.jpg epub | 3.23 MB | English | | Author: David Johnston | Year: 2023 Description: The 28th Governor General's most personal and timely book to date: a passionate and practical guide for turning empathy into action. As the world stumbles through the most severe pandemic of the last century, threatened by teetering economies, torn by political division, separated by unequal access to resources, and wrestling...
prizrak.ws 2024-03-22 18:23
Почему в Танзании нет пандемии covid-19. "Tanzania President John Magufuli: The man who declared victory over coronavirus" https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-54603689 21.10.2020 г. "Президент Танзании Джон Магуфули: человек, объявивший о победе над коронавирусом" (он-лайн перевод отрывка статьи) Своеобразное отношение президента Танзании Джона Магуфули к пандемии коронавируса привлекло внимание мировой общественности к этой стране. Сейчас один из самых нестандартных лидеров региона...
t1956.mybb.rocks 2024-03-21 18:38
(Русская версия новости) "Эксперты: чтобы избежать пандемий в будущем, необходимо изменить подход к их предотвращению и отношение к природе" 29.10.2020 г. https://news.un.org/ru/story/2020/10/1389362 (Полный текст) Пандемии будут происходить все чаще, а вирусы будут распространяться еще стремительнее, причинять еще больший вред экономике и уносить еще больше жизней, чем COVID-19 – если международное сообщество не изменит радикальным образом свое отношение к природе и подход к инфекционным...
t1956.mybb.rocks 2024-03-21 18:33
https://moz.gov.ua/golovnij-derzhavnij-sanitarnij-likar-ukraini 22.07.2020 Постанова №43 Про затвердження Тимчасових рекомендацій щодо організації протиепідемічних заходів у дитячих закладах оздоровлення та відпочинку на період карантину у зв’ язку з поширенням коронавірусної хвороби...
t1956.mybb.rocks 2024-03-21 18:28
Вышеназванный документ следует понимать как программу действий, преследующих определенную цель. Следует понимать что Всемирный Банк работает в плотном контакте с глобалистскими структурами такими как ООН, ВОЗ, ЮНИСЕФ и др. Я не буду давать выдержки с документа, пусть каждый найдёт для себя нужную информацию. Машинный перевод на русский. Всемирный банк. "Проект стратегической готовности и реагирования на COVID-19" Скачать:...
t1956.mybb.rocks 2024-03-21 18:18
ЛИСТОВКА. Текст листовки. Перед ПРИВИВКОЙ от COVID-19 необходимо: - оформить ЗАВЕЩАНИЕ; - попрощаться с родственниками. Технические данные: Формат А4 (альбомная ориентация) 4 листовки на одном листе. В архиве: оригинал макет (ODT формат); PDF файл для печати; сопроводительная записка. Скачиваем, распечатываем и расклеиваем! https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZzUR9ZOClHPzatHcLgr82IDc6acHXGJFJX
t1956.mybb.rocks 2024-03-21 17:28
https://i123.fastpic.org/big/2024/0320/77/726ca048e18a47c025314ad7197bcd77.jpeg Free Download Mimi Khúc, "dear elia: Letters from the Asian American Abyss" English | ISBN: 1478025670 | 2024 | 272 pages | PDF | 6 MB In dear elia Mimi Khúc revolutionizes how we understand mental health. Khúc traces the contemporary Asian American mental health crisis from the university into the maw of the COVID-19 pandemic, reenvisioning mental health through a pedagogy of unwellness-the...
prizrak.ws 2024-03-21 06:06
https://i123.fastpic.org/big/2024/0320/bd/2d733cca7f832b397e00ee65af46a7bd.jpeg Free Download Why Face-to-Face Still Matters: The Persistent Power of Cities in the Post-Pandemic Era English | 2021 | ISBN: 1529215994 | 254 Pages | PDF (True) | 12 MB What makes a great city? Why do people and businesses still value urban life and buildings over a quiet life in the suburbs or countryside? Now might seem a difficult time to make the case for social contact in urban areas - so why is face-to-face...
prizrak.ws 2024-03-21 05:57
https://i123.fastpic.org/big/2024/0320/ea/e53f50f8502ceb602f4a055f4e7b6aea.jpeg Free Download Rhodri Davies, "What Is Philanthropy For? " English | ISBN: 1529226929 | 2023 | 174 pages | PDF | 7 MB Does charitable giving still matter but need to change? Philanthropy, the use of private assets for public good, has been much criticised in recent years. Do elite philanthropists wield too much power? Is big-money philanthropy unaccountable and therefore anti-democratic? And what about so-called...
prizrak.ws 2024-03-21 05:54
https://i123.fastpic.org/big/2024/0320/99/0543178c3a185fe5487a391135f69e99.jpeg Free Download The Thin Woman: Feminism, Post-structuralism and the Social Psychology of Anorexia Nervosa by Helen Malson English | 2024 | ISBN: 1032499400 | 260 Pages | True ePUB/pdf | 0.37 MB The First Edition of The Thin Woman,first published in 1998, provides an in-depth discussion of anorexia nervosa from a critical feminist social psychological standpoint. In the original text, the author argues that the...
prizrak.ws 2024-03-21 05:19
https://i123.fastpic.org/big/2024/0320/33/c2d07984ab6fe36a5b5812f13535e133.jpeg Free Download The Sky Was Falling: A Young Surgeon's Story on Bravery, Survival, and Hope by Cornelia Griggs English | March 12th, 2024 | ISBN: 198216848X | 304 pages | True EPUB | 3.16 MB The dramatic, unforgettable, and ultimately cathartic diary of a young pediatric surgeon and mother working on the front lines as the COVID-19 pandemic hit one of New York City's busiest hospitals. In the spring of 2020, many of...
prizrak.ws 2024-03-21 05:17
https://i123.fastpic.org/big/2024/0320/18/25f2635cc71c2c064a75fa91c7af8818.jpeg Free Download Mariano Turzi UCEMA University (Argentina), "The International Politics of Superheroes" English | ISBN: 1538164949 | 2022 | 136 pages | EPUB, PDF | 1200 KB + 886 KB Follow your favorite caped crusaders (and foes) to learn about the current world order. Mariano Turzi explains the main theories of international relations through Batman, Two-Face, and the Justice League. The Hulk illuminates Russia's...
prizrak.ws 2024-03-21 04:54
https://i123.fastpic.org/big/2024/0320/a4/9e150a8b81c7f2b0809f19a448904da4.jpeg Free Download Peter Tschmuck, "The Economics of Music (The Economics of Big Business)" English | 2021 | ISBN: 1788214277, 1788214269 | EPUB | pages: 264 | 5.1 mb The music industry is one of the most dynamic and fascinating business sectors. Its business model has had to evolve and adapt to continually changing technologies that impact at every level from distribution to artist management. Its latest challenge has...
prizrak.ws 2024-03-21 04:43
https://i123.fastpic.org/big/2024/0320/7d/0e3f73370fd487e73a278fb35b71f57d.jpeg Free Download Rohan Gunaratna, "Terrorism and the Pandemic: Weaponizing of COVID-19" English | ISBN: 1800738013 | 2023 | 213 pages | PDF | 2 MB The global pandemic has offered extraordinary opportunities for extremists and terrorists to mobilize themselves and revive as more powerful actors in the security landscape. But could these threat groups actually capitalize on the coronavirus crisis and advance their...
prizrak.ws 2024-03-21 04:26
https://i123.fastpic.org/big/2024/0320/86/d8e25daca65e41d0b8c58582bae36686.jpeg Free Download Hoang Thi Ha, "Southeast Asian Affairs 2023" English | ISBN: 9815104179 | 2023 | 398 pages | PDF | 3 MB Despite significant improvements in many health outcomes over the past 60 years, many chronic problems in Indonesia's health system including financial sustainability, governance and inequities in accessing health care have long been apparent, even before the COVID-19 pandemic. The epidemiological...
prizrak.ws 2024-03-21 04:11
https://i123.fastpic.org/big/2024/0320/b4/55c5cd82f140b95f6a642ff3e422c3b4.jpeg Free Download Belinda Kong, "SARS Stories: Affect and Archive of the 2003 Pandemic " English | ISBN: 1478025662 | 2024 | 312 pages | PDF | 3 MB In SARS Stories, Belinda Kong delves into the cultural archive of the 2003 SARS pandemic, examining Chinese-language creative works and social practices at the epicenters of the outbreak in China and Hong Kong. As the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted issues of anti-Asian...
prizrak.ws 2024-03-21 03:54
https://i123.fastpic.org/big/2024/0320/a3/8f8d193ca66852c13874f670b8621ea3.jpeg Free Download Research Anthology on Remote Teaching and Learning and the Future of Online Education by Information Resources Management Association English | 2023 | ISBN: 1668475405 | 2512 Pages | True PDF | 49 MB The sudden implementation of emergency health procedures at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic forced many educators and educational institutions to explore new territory in terms of policy, teaching...
prizrak.ws 2024-03-21 03:47
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